My name is Monica Löfstedt. I live in Skelleftehamn, Sweden.
Skelleftehamn is a harbour town in the north of Sweden.

I live in an appartment with my boyfriend Örjan.
We have been engaged since 1997.

I am born 14 february 1973 in Skelleftea.
I am 180 cm tall (about 70,8 inches if I am not wrong...)
I have brown hair and blue eyes.


Hobbies are:

Listening to music,

among others...
I also am a proud member of the church choir in Ursviken since 1994.

Favorite food... well as long as it is spicy. Mostly mexican actually :O)
Favourite drink is coca cola of course.

Work... I have achieved the Comptia A+ certificate Learn more about it at
At the moment I am working with recycling at Rönnskärsverken in Skelleftehamn.


If you would like to know more about me Please email me at